

Monday, 20 January 2014

7th CPC News – Minimum wage & Pay fixation forumala for 7th CPC worked out by COC Karnataka

7th CPC News – Minimum wage & Pay fixation forumala for 7th CPC worked out by COC Karnataka
Minimum wage & Pay fixation forumala for 7th CPC worked out
Providing proper minimum wage of Rs 27000/- for CG Employees including that of GDS employees and pay fixation formula for 7th CPC worked out.
Providing proper minimum wage of Rs 27000/- for CG Employees including that of GDS employees and pay fixation formula:
The staff side of the JCM had given representation demanding Rs 10,000/- as minimum wage for Central Government Employees. The 6th CPC in its report vide para no 2.2.15 had calculated a minimum wage of Rs 5478/- today if we are calculate the minimum wage it should be more than Rs 21,000/- apart from HRA and other allowances. Hence there is three times increase in actual prices calculated by the 6th CPC and the current prices. The current wages of the CG Employees should be doubled at least including that of GDS.
The most comprehensive criteria for covering all the basic needs were evolved by the 15th Indian Labour Conference (ILC) in 1957 for fixing minimum wages. The norms are that a need-based minimum wage for a single worker should cover all the needs of a worker’s family consisting of a spouse and two children. The food requirement was to be 2,700 calories, 65 grams of protein and around 45-60 grams of fat as recommended by Dr Wallace Aykroyd for an average Indian adult of moderate activity.
Dr Aykroyd pointed out that animal proteins, such as milk, eggs, fish, liver and meat, are biologically more efficient than vegetable proteins and suggested that they should form at least one-fifth of the total protein.
Dr Aykroyd worked on nutrition for nearly 30 years and was director of the Nutrition Division, Food and Agriculture Organisation, United Nations. In 1935, he was appointed Director of the Government’s Nutritional Research Centre in India, situated in Coonoor in the south. The 15th ILC further resolved that clothing requirements should be based on per capita consumption of 18 yards per annum, which gives 72 yards per annum for the average worker’s family. For housing, the rent corresponding to the minimum area provided under the government’s industrial housing schemes was to be taken. Fuel, lighting and other items of expenditure were to constitute an additional 20% of the total minimum wage.
The Supreme Court upheld these criteria in the case of Unichoy vs State of Kerala in 1961. In the later Raptakos Brett Vs Workmen case of 1991, the SC went one step further, and held that besides the five components enunciated by the 15th ILC, minimum wages should include a sixth component, amounting to 25% of the total minimum wage, to cover children’s education, medical treatment, recreation, festivals and ceremonies. The SC also observed that a wage structure including the above six components would be “nothing more than minimum wage at subsistence level” which the workers must get “at all times and under all circumstances”.
Minimum Salary-Analysis &Recommendations para 2.2.15
The Commission, however, agrees that the norms set by the 15th International Labour Conference (ILC) are appropriate for computing minimum salary. It is also observed that the minimum salary is applicable at the time a person joins the Government which will usually be at a young age when a person may be just married and will not have responsibility of parents or many children. Accordingly, the family unit for minimum salary can only be taken as three.

The Minimum Salary should be based on 6 units not three units as per 6th CPC calculation. As both parents and two children are depending on the salary of Government servant apart from spouse. the additional burden the employees will carry after a few years of service as his parents would have retired from service and are wholly dependent on him also his children would have stepped into school / college level, even small baby requirements are much unlike in the past years, the hence the minimum wage he gets will not compensate with the family financial burden Hence the whole calculations needs a undergo a drastic change in next CPC taking into account of 6 units rather than 3 units. The Sixth Central Pay Commission has recommended a minimum wage of Rs 6600/- per month against the demand of Rs 10,000/- per month as worked out by Staff side of JCM. Today the minimum need based wage works out to Rs 21,000/ per month+ HRA+ allowances. The general minimum expenses per month for a family of four members are as follows
when a Government servant joins the duty with two small children:
a) Vegetables Rs 3000/-
b) Food Grains /Groceries Rs 7000/-.
c) House rent single room Rs 6000/-
d) Clothing Rs 3000/-
e) Children education and their expenses Rs 2000/-
f) Electricity Chargers Rs 800/-
g) Water Charges Rs 250/-
h) Transportation charges Rs 1000/-
i) TV cable rent Rs 300/-
j) Medical Expenses Rs 500/-
k) Mobile expenses Rs 250/-
l) Cooking Gas Rs 450/-
m) Recreation charges Rs 500/-
n) Personal expenses Rs 1000/-
Total Rs 26500/-Hence minimum wage works out to Rs 27,000/-
The expenses will increase as the age of Government servant goes up and family responsibility will increase as he has to educate the children in professional courses, marriage of his children has to be performed, his medical expenses will increase, his parents will stay with him and now there are quite dependant on the Government servant for their lively hood. As such the salary should be more to meet his expenses. The Government is a model employer hence the wages should be provided with the needs.
Table :
Fixation of Minimum wage as on 1.1.2006 as per 15 ILC norms as per Table 2.2.1 of the 6th compare minimum wage should be three times the 6th recommendations.
ItemsPer day PCU (In grams)Per month 3CU (In kg)Price per kg. taken by 6th CPC (In Rs)Total cost as per rates of 6th CPC (in Rs) As on 1/1/2006Price per kg. as per prevailing market rates (in Rs) 1/6/13 At BangaloreTotal cost as per prevailing rates (in Rs) 1/6/2013
Dal (Toor/ Urad / moong807.24028880576
Raw Veg.1009.00109060600
Greenleaf Veg12511.2510112.540400
Other Veg.756.751067.545450
Milk200 Ml18 Lt.24.0043235630
Sugar and Jaggery565.0024.0012045225
Edible Oil403.650180100360
Detergents etc200200400400
Clothing5.5 Mt.80/Mt4402001100
Misc. @ 20%*8272660
Addl. Exp @ 25%**4003325
Housing @ 10%***148600^
Grand Total5478.517226
Source: Average market rates in Kolkata, Chennai, Delhi and Mumbai as indicated in the Economic Times & Other major dailies (element of 20% has been added to cover the increase in cost in retail sale).
Notes PCU = Per day Consumption Unit 3CU = Three Consumption Units that is wife, husband and a child no parents or second child is taken into account.
* 20% Miscellaneous charges towards fuel, electricity, water etc.
** Additional Expense at the rate of 25% includes expenditure towards education, Medical treatment, housing, recreation, festivals etc.
# Has been taken as Rs.400 because separate allowances for education, medical
Treatment and housing exist in the Government. Consequently, only the expenditure
Towards recreation & festivals need to be taken in account.
^ Being the license fee chargeable for government accommodation at an average rate of 3% of the basic pay.
Total minimum wage is Rs 17225+ HRA Rs 7000/- + Transportation Allowance Rs 2500/-= Rs 26725 that is Rs 27,000/-.
The fixation of minimum basic pay of Rs 21000/- is taking into the account of minimum skill and education requirement as 10th Standard as prescribed by the 6th CPC. As the education requirement is more such as Diploma in Engineering or Degree in Science or Commerce, then the minimum basic pay should be Rs 40,000/- (8700+4200) X 3 = Rs 39,000/-. For Engineering Graduates and Master Degree it should be Rs 65,000/- .
The pay scales should start with a minimum basic pay including Grade Pay of Rs 21,000/- to end with 2, 10,000 with a ratio of 1:10 of minimum scale and maximum scale. Since government is a model employer they should provide minimum wages as per the 15 ILO conference and other wages as per the educational qualification & skill requirement of the job.
The multiplying factor is calculated as below:
The existing basic pay + Grade pay + DA 100% + weightage of 100% ( that is the difference between the actual price rise and the DA paid) that is the multiplying factor works out to three.
Note: The actual price rise is over 200% the DA is only 90%.
The existing basic pay + grade pay+ DA 100%+DA merger = Net wage + weightage of 70% (that is the difference between the actual price rise and the DA paid).
The pay scales should have a multiplying factor of three, that means the existing pay scales and pay (basic pay + GP) should be multiplied by three. The pay scales arrived should not have any bunching of basic pay as done in the 5ththere is no stagnation.
The concept of fair wages has been deprived to CG Employees. Usually pay commissions had adopted a multiplying factor of 3.2 to 3.8 to arrive at the new scales compared to earlier scales. But the VI CPC adopted conversion factor of about 2.6 at the lowest where as it was about 3.6 at the highest scale. By this method well established ration 1:12 between the lowest scale and highest scale was disturbed by the VI CPC.
The minimum pay & band pay fixed by the 6th compared all other pay commissions for example a new recruit for the post of LDC his pay is Rs 5200+ 1900 = Rs 7100/- + allowances, that should have been actually Rs 3050 multiplied by 3.6 times which works out to Rs 11000/- .
In case of a Graduate or Diploma holder as per 6th + 4200= Rs 13500/- + allowances, that should have been actually Rs 5000 multiplied by 3.6 times which works out to Rs 18000/- .
In case of a Master degree holder as per 6th 4800= Rs 14100/- + allowances, that should have been actually Rs 6500 multiplied by 3.6 times which works out to Rs 23000/- .
Hence the justification of multiplying factor of three is justified. The ratio between the lowest and highest scales should not more than 1:10
Comparison of pay scales of the 4th CPC , 5th CPC and 6th CPC
The existing basic pay should be multiplied by factor three, so that there is no bunching of basic pay. The existing GP of Rs 2000/- and Rs 2800/- should be removed. Likewise there are GP of Rs 5400/- in both PB-2 and PB-3 one of them is to be removed.
There are 34 scales recommended by the 6th Pay has been not in existence, as such 30 GP are right now available.
With the merger of pay scale from S9 to S12 into Grade Pay of Rs 4200/-.
There are many pay scales which was merged into single GP of Rs 4200/- which has created anomalies, the promotions have been made in same grade pay without financial benefits.
There should be time scale rather than grade pay system, these time scales should long enough.
Source: www.karnatakacoc.blogspot.in

Child Care Leave – No Parent Care Leave for Men Employees

ANSWERED ON-12.12.2013

Countrys rank in Global Age Watch Index


(a) whether as per the data of Global Age Watch Index, India ranks at 73rd position in elderly care out of 91 countries sampled; and

(b) if so, whether Government would provide for parents care leave on line of child care leave to Central Government employees in view of above, if so, the details thereof, if not, the reasons therefor?



(a): Global Age Watch Index is a measure of quality of life and well-being of older people around the world. It measures the economic, social and political elements. India is ranked 73rd out of 91 countries selected for the index.

(b): The Government has no proposal to provide for Parent Care Leave on the lines of Child Care Leave (CCL). CCL is allowed to female Central Government employees with a specific purpose of improving participation of more females in Government service. The Central Government employees are already entitled to various kinds of leave which can be availed for appropriate purposes.

SOURCE : http://7thpaycommissionnews.in/7th-cpc-news-minimum-wage-pay-fixation-forumala-for-7th-cpc-worked-out-by-coc-karnataka/

Save Income Tax on the Contribution made by Government in pension fund of NPS Subscribers...

Save Income Tax on the Contribution made by Government in pension fund of NPS Subscribers...

Save Income Tax on the Contribution made by Government in pension fund of NPS Subscriber, Refer 5.5.3 Deduction in respect of contribution to pension scheme of Central Government (Section 80CCD).

5.5.3 Deduction in respect of contribution to pension scheme of Central Government (Section 80CCD): 

Section 80CCD(1) allows an employee, being an individual employed by the Central Government or any other employer, on or after the 01.01.2004, a deduction of an amount paid or deposited out of his income chargeable to tax under a pension scheme as notified vide Notification F. N. 5/7/2003- ECB&PR dated 22.12.2003 or as may be notifed by the Central Government. However, the deduction shall not exceed an amount equal to 10% of his salary(includes Dearness Allowance but excludes all other allowance and perquisites). 

As per Section 80CCD(2), where an employee receives any contribution in the said pension scheme from the Central Government or any other employer then the employee shall be allowed a deduction from his total income of the whole amount contributed by the Central Government or any other employer subject to limit of 10% of his salary of the previous year. 

However, if any amount is standing to the credit of the employee in the pension scheme referred above and deduction has been allowed as stated above and the employee or his nominee receives this amount together with the amount accrued thereon, due to the reason of 
(i) Closure or opting out of the pension scheme or 
(ii) Pension received from the annuity plan purchased and taken on such closure or opting out then the amount so received during the FYs shall be the income of the employee or his nominee for that Financial Year and accordingly will be charged to tax. Where any amount paid or deposited by the employee has been taken into account for the purposes of this section, a deduction with reference to such amount shall not be allowed under section 80C. 

Further it has been specified that w.e.f 01.04.09 that any amount received by the employee from the new pension scheme shall be deemed not to have received in the previous year if such amount is used for purchasing an annuity plan in the previous year. 

It is emphasized that as per the section 80CCE the aggregate amount of deduction under sections 80C, 80CCC and Section 80CCD(1) shall not exceed Rs.1,00,000/-. However the contribution made by the Central Government or any other employer to a pension scheme u/s 80CCD(2) shall be excluded from the limit of Rs.1,00,000/- provided under this Section. 

Source: http://90paisa.blogspot.in/2014/01/save-income-tax-on-contribution-made-by.html

Saturday, 18 January 2014

Merger of 50% DA will soon be considered by Central Government before the budget session...

Merger of 50% DA will soon be considered by Central Government before the budget session...

Merger of 50 percent DA may soon be considered by Central Government – Sources

Sources close to the Central Government Employees Federations told that Merger of 50% DA will soon be considered by Central Government before the budget session of Parliament in February 2014. According to the sources, the central government is likely to consider the central government employees  demand for merging of 50 % DA, for the reason that the DA will be crossing 100% level after January 2014.

The rate of dearness allowance to be paid to govt servants has been increasing consistently due to the rise in the prices of essential commodities for the past two years. In 2011 the rate of DA was at 50 % level. Since then all the Federation demanded the central government to merge the 50 Percent DA with basic Pay. But the government did not accept this demand to merge the DA with basis pay, as it was not recommended by sixth CPC.

The demand would be considered in view of parliament elections

But federations kept on demanding the government that raising dearness allowance alone will not help to compensate the alarming rate of price rice. So they urged the government to consider their demand favorably. It is believed that after the defeat in the election of four state legislative councils, the UPA government has decided to reconsider about its decision on the issues which directly affects the common public. The high command of the ruling party thought that the reason for their defeat in the state election is mainly because of their government failed to contain the price rise. The gap between common public and UPA government has been considerably increased. To correct these failures the UPA government decides to do something to attract the voters.

After announcing the government’s proposal to constitute the 7th pay commission, the community of central government employees has been convinced to have soft view on this government. Further the 50 lakh central government employees would be made happy if the 50% DA is merged with Basic Pay. It is told that , as the central government staff association and federations demanding it very seriously, in case the government decides go with this demand, there will be around one crore voters will be in favour of UPA government. So the government may consider the demand of merging of 50% DA with basic Pay in view of forthcoming Parliament elections.

Allowances will have no impact on merging DA with basic Pay

The sources, associated with National Council JCM, said that the government initially was not willing to consider this demand as some allowance and advances have been raised by 25% whenever the DA crosses 50% level as per the sixth CPC recommendation. But federations insisted that the allowances, which are raised to 25 % level when DA crosses 50%, will have no impact on merging DA with basic pay. The only allowance will have an increase when Basic Pay increases are HRA. No other allowances will be increased and other entitlement of the respective Grade Pay will not be revised as the 50% DA to be merged will be kept under separate component like it was treated in 5CPC as Dearness Pay. “There is no need to worry about financial implications, as the 50% DA will be paid by just changing its nomenclature as Dearness Pay”, said sources.

50% DA merger to be decalered before DA crosses 100%

Further, it has been informed that it is good enough for the government to announce its decision before declaring the next additional installment of DA. Because the AICPIN for Industrial workers for the Month of December 2013 is awaited to determine the rate of dearness allowance to be paid from January 2014.The result of last 11 months AICPIN shows that DA will definitely be raised by 10 % from existing 90% level. So the rate of DA will be 100% with effect from 1st January 2014. After the DA increased to 100%, the demand for 50% DA merger will have to change its avatar. Probably the demand would be for 100% DA merger. So the federations expect the government may consider 50% DA merger soon.

However, decision if any in this regard should be taken before the announcement of election for parliament. It is expected that election announcement for parliament will be made by the end of February 2014. Before that,  the announcement of 50% DA merger is expected from central government.


PFRDA Circulars - Exposure draft on Guidelines for Withdrawal of 25% of Accumulated Contributions by NPS Subscribers

 Exposure draft on Guidelines for Withdrawal of 25% of Accumulated Contributions by NPS Subscribers




Issued on: 15th January, 2014 

Last date to accept Comments: 15th February, 2014 

As per Chapter VI, Sec 20 (2b) of the PFRDA act, 2013 it has been provided that withdrawals, not exceeding twenty-five percent (25%) of the contribution made by the subscriber, may be permitted from the individual pension account subject to the conditions, such as purpose, frequency and limits as may be specified by the regulations.

Keeping the above in perspective, the draft guidelines for withdrawal of 25 % of accumulated contributions by NPS subscribers are proposed and comments from the public and all concerned are invited. It may also be noted that suggestions on addition/alteration in the proposed guidelines can also be given. Comments/Feedback may be forwarded by email to the e-mail id k.sumit@pfrda.org.in latest by 15.02.2014. 

Comments should be given in the following format:
Name of entity/ person
Sr.No.Pertains to which Section/sub-section and Page numberProposed/ suggested changesRationale

Written comments in the above format may be addressed to: 

Mr. Sumit Kumar 
Dy. General Manager 
Pension Fund Regulatory & Development Authority 1st Floor, ICADR Building, Vasant Kunj Institutional Area Phase - II Vasant Kunj, New Delhi – 110070 


As per Chapter VI, Sec 20 (2b) of the PFRDA act, 2013 it has been provided that withdrawals, not exceeding twenty-five percent (25%) of the contribution made by the subscriber, may be permitted from the individual pension account subject to the conditions, such as purpose, frequency and limits as may be specified by the regulations. In order to finalise the regulations for withdrawals, it becomes imperative to develop the formal aspects of the permitted withdrawals allowed under the Act for the benefit of NPS subscribers. 

The current exit / withdrawal guidelines under NPS are framed in such a manner that the subscriber has a long period of accumulation of corpus for providing him with a decent accumulated pension wealth when he retires or he moves out of the regular work routine due to age. Also, it lets the subscriber have the freedom to move out of the scheme at any point of time, irrespective of cause or reason which determines the complete exit from the scheme.

The following are the current rules/guidelines for withdrawals under NPS as approved by PFRDA: 
a) Exit from NPS upon attaining the age of Normal superannuation (for govt. employees only) or upon attaining the age of 60 years (for all subscribers other than govt. employees): At least 40% of the accumulated pension wealth of the subscriber needs to be mandatorily utilized for purchase of an annuity providing for the monthly pension of the subscriber and the balance is paid as a lump sum payment to the subscriber.
b) Exit from NPS before attaining the age of Normal superannuation (for govt. employees only) or before attaining the age of 60 years (for all subscribers other than govt. employees): At least 80% of the accumulated pension wealth of the subscriber needs to be utilized for purchase of an annuity providing for the monthly pension of the subscriber and the balance is paid as a lump sum payment to the subscriber.
c) Upon Death : The entire accumulated pension wealth (100%) would be paid to the nominee / legal heir of the subscriber. For Swavalamban withdrawals under (a) & (b) in the previous page, there is an overriding condition on the lump sum payment payable due to which the entire accumulated pension wealth would be annuitised in case if the monthly pension obtained by using the 40%/80% of the pension wealth is below Rs.1000/- per month. Also, these exit/withdrawal rules as applicable to NPS can be modified/altered from time to time by the Authority as the NPS progresses. 
The withdrawal of 25% of accumulated contributions under NPS is in addition to the withdrawal permitted at the time of exiting from NPS by the subscriber as specified above. The subscriber can continue to contribute in the scheme while using such withdrawal facility. These guidelines shall determine the circumstances under which the NPS subscriber can avail such withdrawal functionality under different time frames and thereby putting certain limits to which shall be adhered by him/her. 

The guidelines are framed taking into the purpose and object of NPS i.e., to ensure a decent accumulated pension wealth in the accounts of the subscribers at the time of exit. 

The Feedback /Comments on this exposure draft received till 15th February, 2014 would be considered for evaluation by PFRDA. The decision of PFRDA on all and any matters related to the subject matter is final and binding on all stakeholders. 


As per Chapter VI, Sec 20 (2b) of the PFRDA act, 2013 it has been provided that withdrawals, not exceeding twenty-five percent (25%) of the contribution made by the subscriber, may be permitted from the individual pension account subject to the conditions, such as purpose, frequency and limits as may be specified by the regulations. As the decision in this regard has to form part of the regulations to be made under Sec 52 of PFRDA Act, we need to arrive at a decision on the matter purpose, frequency and limits of such withdrawals which would be allowed. 

Posts examining the various aspects of the probable needs and duration, following aspects have been proposed in respect of the aforesaid guidelines: 

(a) Purpose : This withdrawal may be treated as partial withdrawal and whereby the subscriber can withdraw not exceeding twenty-five percent (25%) of the contribution made by the subscriber, may be permitted from the individual pension account for any of the following purposes only: 

i) For Higher education of his/her children including a legally adopted child. 
ii) For the marriage of his/her children, including a legally adopted child. 
iii) For the purchase/construction of residential house or flat. However, if the subscriber already owns a residential house or flat, the same is not allowed as a ground for the withdrawal. 
iv) Treatment for prescribed illnesses – suffered by subscriber or his legally wedded spouse and children. For this purpose, the prescribed illness referred above consists of hospitalization and treatment for the following diseases/illnesses: 
1. Cancer 
2. Kidney Failure (End Stage Renal Failure) 
3. Primary Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension 
4. Multiple Sclerosis 
5. Major Organ Transplant 
6. Coronary Artery Bypass Graft 
7. Aorta Graft Surgery 
8. Heart Valve Surgery 
9. Stroke 
10. Myocardial Infarction (First Heart Attack) 
11. Coma 
12. Total blindness 
13. Paralysis 

b) Limits : It has been proposed that there should be limitation on eligibility as well as the maximum limit for each withdrawal that can be permitted till the person stays invested in National Pension System. We propose the following eligibility criteria and limit for availing the benefit: 
1. The subscriber should have been in NPS for at least ten years and contributing to the scheme. 
2. Subscriber can withdraw accumulations not exceeding twenty-five percent (25%) of the contributions made by him and standing to his credit in his NPS account, as on the date of application for withdrawal. 

c) Frequency : It is recommended that the subscriber may be allowed to withdraw at the most three (3) times from the scheme during the tenure and should have a gap of at least 5 years before availing the withdrawal facility for the next time. However, the mandatory requirement of 5 years gap between two successive permitted withdrawals would not be applicable in case of “treatment for above prescribed illnesses”. 

We are proposing the above frequency in order to make sure that the subscriber should be left with a decent and considerable accumulated pension wealth at the time of superannuation/age of 60 years enabling him to purchase sustainable annuity. 

The request for withdrawal should be sent along with relevant document through the Nodal Office/POP/Aggregator to Central Record Keeping Agency for processing of the withdrawal claim. 

Source: www.pfrda.org.in

Thursday, 16 January 2014

Sri A.Seshagiri Rao - Chief Postmaster, Hyderabad GPO

Sri A.Seshagirirao, Adhoc SSPOs Bhimavaram Division is now posted as Chief Postmaster, Hyderabad GPO in continuation of his adhoc promotion to JTS Group A for a further period of 180 days vide C.O memo no ST/12-74/AdGrA/2013 dated 15.01.2014.


Constitution of Transfer and Placement Committees in the Department of Posts for recommending transfers/postings of the officers/officials of the Department

Tuesday, 14 January 2014



Saturday, 4 January 2014


Enhanced cash limit for various modes of conveyance

DOPT Order 2013 – Effective date of merger of erstwhile Group D posts, now designated as Multi-tasking Staff in Pay Band-I Grade Pay Rs.1800 and recruitment to the post after implementation of the recommendation of the 6th CPC

No.AB-14017/39/2013-Estt.(RR) (3102233)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Pension & Public Grievances
Department of Personnel & Training
North Block, New Delhi
Dated: 23.12.2013
Subject : Effective date of merger of erstwhile Group D posts, now designated as Multi-tasking Staff in Pay Band-I Grade Pay Rs.1800 and recruitment to the post after implementation of the recommendation of the 6th CPC.
In pursuance to the recommendations of the 6th Central Pay Commission, this Department has issued model recruitment rules for the post of Multi-tasking Staff (erstwhile Group D posts) vide OM No. AB-14017/6/2009-Estt(RR) dated 30.4.2010. This Department is receiving references for clarification in regard to the date of effect of merger of erstwhile Group D posts and re-designation as Multi-tasking Staff.
2. The issue has been examined taking into account this Department’s OM No. 20020/4/2010-Estt(D) dated 30.4.2013 with regard to fixation of seniority of officers holding the merged grade of Multi-tasking Staff. It has been decided that the merger and re-designation of erstwhile Group D staff as Multi-taking Staff shall be effective from 29.8.2008. Ministries / Departments may issue orders accordingly in respect of erstwhile Group D posts in their Ministries / Departments and expedite the amendment of the Recruitment Rules of erstwhile Group D posts as the model RRs of MTS.
3. Ministry of Home Affairs etc. are requested to bring the contents of this O.M. to the notice of all their Attached / Subordinate Offices. The autonomous/statutory bodies may adopt the same with the approval of the competent authority as per the rules/ statutes.
4. Hindi version follows.
(Mukta Goel)
Director (E-I)
Original Order :


Revised delivery norms for Speed Post

D.G. Posts No. 13-45/2008-D dated 10/11/.12.2013
The norms for delivery of Speed Post articles have in the past been revised from time to time and are also contained in the Citizen’s Charter of the Department. The existing delivery norms for Speed Post are follows:

(a)   Local (within municipal limits) : 2 days
(b) Between one to another metro city (included the six metro cities i.e. Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, Bangalore and Hyderabad) and limited to Municipal limits of these cities: 2 days
(c)    Rest of the country: 4 to 6 days.

2.       The norms mentioned above are further qualified by stating that they exclude the day of posting, Sundays and Holidays that they denote maximum time and apply only to the articles booked before the cut-off time.

3.       The matter relating to revision of the existing norms for delivery of Speed Post articles was under consideration of this Directorate, and the following has been decided in this regard:

(a)      New delivery (transit) norms have been worked out on a city-to-city      basis for 87 cities where Speed Post Sorting Hubs are located (excluding 1           CBPO & 2 CBPO). The new delivery norms are being circulated to all concerned by e-mail along with this O.M. The same may be downloaded.
(b)      The new norms for a pair of cities have been prescribed in terms of a range. For example,
 the delivery norms between Mumbai and Pune is “1 to 2 days, i.e. D+1 to D+2 where “D”  is the day of booking.
(c)      The new norms would be restricted to the municipal limits of a city       (covering only TD PIN codes) under reference.

4.       The new delivery norms for Speed Post would be subject to the conditions that:

*         They are limited to 87 cities, and municipal limit within these cities,
*         They do not apply to the articles booked after the cut-off time on a day(normally) taken as 3 or 4 pm for booking counters at post offices or as decided by the Circle concerned) and an extra day may be added in       such cases,
*         The delivery norms do not include Sundays and holidays,
*         Delay occurring due to curfew, bandh or strike in a particular city mayadversely affect delivery norms,
*         Delay occurring due to cancellation of flights/trains/buses/other means of transport for carriage of mail  or off-load / non-carriage of mail by the   carriers due to any reason is beyond the control of the Department, and therefore, the same may adversely affect delivery norms.
*         Beyond the cities mentioned under the delivery norms document, extra days may be required which would vary from place to place..

5.       Circles may give wide publicity to the new norms among the public and display the norms in the shape of a matrix of prominent/frequently-used destinations at the post office as display of entire matrix perhaps may not be possible.

6.       The new delivery norms would also be placed on India Post website in a user-friendly format so that a user could easily find delivery/transit norms between a pair of cities. In the interim, a PDF version of the document is being uploaded on the Departmental website.

7.       This O.M. supercedes all previous instructions on Speed Post Delivery Norms issued by this Directorate/Business Development Directorate.

Source : nupegc.blogspot.com